When solar panels are connected in series, in some cases it is useful to use By-pass diodes. By-pass diodes ensure that when a solar panel is limited by shaded cells, as much energy as possible can be generated. The By-pass diode then temporarily takes a different route, so that the current can flow unhindered. As a result, the weakest link will not be leading in a serial circuit.
By-pass diodes are automatically present with solar panels with an MC4 or an 8 mm output. These diodes are already processed in the junction box. With the Flush solar panels there is no room for this, so you can choose to add the By-pass diodes separately. This is only necessary when Flush solar panels from 150 watts are connected in series.
Note: If you do not have the knowledge to install the diodes yourself, we always advise you to call in an approved installation company.